“El Nuevo Mundo” (The New World) is a textile collaborative installation that invites the creators to deconstruct and redefine the world we live in and start the creation of an inclusive reality where everybody can be part of, love each other and create together with knots. El Nuevo Mundo in our society is commonly associated with the conquest, and “discovery” of the American Continent by the Spaniards back in 1492. We’ve been carrying the weight that came out of that “discovery” for a long time. What if we can create a world where we are not trying to take advantage of each other, where we can feel more, where we can connect more with ourselves to connect more with nature, where we can play more, where we can slow down and appreciate the people that surrounds us, where we are not afraid of asking questions, where we can stop being given options and build them? What if we can create a world where everybody is so genuinely in love of who they are, that we can thrive with our gifts and purpose and elevate others in doing so? What if in this new world all the concepts we’ve been accepting as veridical in the “old world” can be beautifully deconstructed? This is the beginning of the collective creation of El Nuevo Mundo. It is an experimental and research space that is open to magical creations, lovely deconstructions and human connections. Based on the question What do you want in this new world? you’ll be able to play, connect unwanted textiles, express your thoughts and make this loving new world grow. El Nuevo Mundo Activations: ENM I - Oaxaca, Mexico - 2019 Materials: listones (as a way of honoring their material culture) and scraps from ateliers locales. ENM II - Garnerville, New York - 2019 Materials: recycled pleather (which was meant to be thrown away) and donated textile waste. Photography by Federico Fernández. ENM III - Online, Instagram Highlight @trepelito - 2020 Materials: Responses from online coristas around alternatives for a new world and shared resources.